Länge des Vertikaltuches

How long should my aerial silk be?

Aerial Silk fabric length

The fabric you purchase should always be at least double the size to the rigging point.

However, it is advisable to add about 2 extra meters, if you want your silk to also hang on the floor, as seen below.

This adds extra fabric for a tail which is helpful if you are learning aerial silks. If you prefer not to have extra fabric on the floor, then do not add the extra 2 meters.

For rooms with a ceiling point up to 3 m, you can take the silk in double plus 1m (7m).

Länge des Vertikaltuches
Länge des Vertikaltuches

Aerial Yoga fabric length

Our 280 X 380 cm Aerial Yoga Hammock is best for a 2.75-meter to 3-meter ceiling if you want the bottom of your hammock to be at hip height from the floor.

280 X 600 cm Aerial Yoga Hammock is best for Restorative Yoga if you want the bottom of your hammock to be close to the floor or if you have a ceiling higher than 3m.

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