Aerial Silk Fabric

We have been successfully selling our aerial silk fabric for many years!

We will try to give you a brief overview of the complex topic of aerial silk. However, we always advise you to seek advice from a specialist and to follow the instructions that come with the products!


Safety comes first with our aerial products.
Therefore, we test our aerial fabric in Germany at our location in Eibelstadt - near Würzburg - and check it for maximum load (Breaking Load Limit = BLL) and then issue a permissible workload (Working Load Limit = WLL) with a safety factor of 14.

With the knot currently proposed by us on our universal aerial silk suspension or aerial silk suspension for the ceiling, the following data result:

BLL: 1350 kg
WLL: 95 kg

We also test the accessories. The niversal aerial silk suspension or aerial silk suspension for the ceiling hold more than 10 tons in the test.

So far, a standard soft floor mat with two by three meters has proven itself to be effective. This is to be placed in the middle under the aerial silk. Aerial silk is an artist's device and may only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced person. A ladder or the option of lowering the aerial sheet is used for quick release in emergency situations!

Our test piece ...
A test piece is included with every aerial silk suspension. Please use this regularly. If the plate fits over the pipe at the top of the sharp bend, then the place is too worn. Please do not use the suspension anymore!

Our products
You will find the following products on the topic of aerial silk in our aerial silk online shop. If you cannot find the goods you are looking for, please write to us.

• Aerial fabric in 13 colors and in any length between 1 and 24 meters
• Different ceiling mounts in various colors
• Aerial Silk books for beginners and advanced users
• DVDs for aerial silk

The assembly
There is no ideal solution to assemble an aerial fabric. Every ceiling is different. Please discuss the load-bearing capacity with a competent person on site. This applies to public institutions such as schools, children's circuses or for use in the private sector.

Assembly on the beam: Use a round sling tested according to BGVC1, attach a shackle made of hardened stainless steel. You hang the aerial silk suspension on this. Use the instructions described in the enclosed instructions to attach the aerial silk

Installation on a ceiling without beams: Please use the aerial silk suspension for the ceiling. This has four holes with a diameter of 12 mm. Please attach the aerial silk to it with the knot. Appropriate screws are available  in our online shop or in your local specialist store.

... Describe your ceiling to us, we will look for a fastening solution.

Application areas:
• Children's circus
• Circus
• Pole Dance
• Dance studios

We are also happy to offer discounts when purchasing a large number of aerial silks or accessories.

Using aerial silks outdoors
You can of course also use an aerial silksoutdoors, but note that you must not leave it hanging permanently. The aerial fabric is a textile that is limited in its maximum load if it is exposed to UV rays for too long!

Related terms for aerial silk.
Aerial fabric, tissue, Aerial silk, vertical cloth, climbing cloth, climbing cloth, circus cloth, circus cloth, cloth, dance cloths, air ring, aerial ring, pole dance; Plural: climbing cloths, vertical cloths, circus cloths, dance cloths, air rings

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